Healers, the magic is brewing.

Welcome into a 12 month playground…

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We begin again on the Spring Equinox in 2024, the perfect time to plant your seed.

I know you’ve been waiting to deep dive into your healing gifts, learn and practice your crafts, and be seen by a community of weirdos who are ready to do it with you. I prayed and wished for something like this back in the day, and alas, I realized nothing like this existed for us, so I decided to create it.

What’s inside is…magic.

That’s the only way I can say it after having run this immersion in 2021. What I learned is how much we crave to heal, feel, play, and connect. I’ve seen massive transformations take place; tears, growth, realizations, friendships, and so much real life interactions blooming from our little playground. In a world that can feel heavy, my hope is that this immersion can feel like a breath of fresh fucking air where you truly get to become more you.

I know if you’re reading this, you’ve been called to do things a little differently. I know you want to break out of the same old damn systems and expectations. I know it gets harder and harder to put up with the same bullshit. I know you are just about OVER it. Yeah, I’ve been waiting for you, honestly.

The past few years felt like that for me. It took courage to amplify my voice and do something like this. It took bravery to let my intuition lead the way. It took patience, grace, and faith to ask people to be in community with me. I wanted mentorship - but I couldn’t find aligned voices who were visible for me to find. I wanted support - but I often felt like other people didn’t get it. I wanted to keep healing - but I didn’t feel safe.

And that’s where I come from when I invite you into this immersion.

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What an interesting time we’re in - and
your EMBODIMENT is needed more than ever. The intuitive leaders of the world are rising. We’re embracing alignment, flow, and embodying our FULLEST selves.

You’re here to make a massive impact and your vision is asking you to call in the support you’ve been dreaming about. It’s not about strategies and lists; it’s about leadership.

I’ve put together a unique container for healers like you ready to do the deep inner work, train in your modalities, and bring your light to the world.




This immersive training is curated to help you build intuitive skills, boundaries, the practical knowledge, the science, the deep rooted cultural history, energy guidance, techniques of visual meditation, novice crystal usage, and applied practice of the foundations of breathwork, sound healing, and get you started as an embodiment coach. 

We're mixing the science, the woo, learning to hold space, facilitate sessions, and developing grounding practices. This is an incredible comprehensive introduction to breathwork that integrates the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of our practices.

This training caters deeply around personal healing and releasing blockages that will ultimately ignite you as a breathwork facilitator, sound healer, and embodiment coach.

The container is curated to support you on this journey.

Who is the training for

This is a great fit if:

  • You are ready for a supportive environment to both learn your modalities and build a lasting foundation for your practices

  • You’d love to have a support community who are invested in their healing and are truly embodying it

  • You are interested in integrative somatic wellness (emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing)

  • You’d like to grow yourself as a professional practitioner and would like support to build a soul-aligned practice

  • You are committed to learn and grow as an individual as both a participant and facilitator

  • You are on your self/healing journey and would like to heal deeply with a collective

  • You’re ready to build the foundations of your practice rooted in a supportive and inclusive community

  • You love both the science and the woo of healing modalities

  • You are committed to develop yourself as a conscious facilitator

  • You are interested in the cultural roots of breathwork

  • You’d like to bring applied breathwork techniques that help reduce anxiousness and stress

  • You’d like to bring applied breathwork techniques to schools, hospitals, rehabs, hospice, youth, shelters, retreats, yoga studios, spas, therapy, and other avenues where breathwork is impactful

  • You’d like to learn intuitive energy healing

  • You want to strengthen your intuition

  • You want to learn grounding techniques

  • You are willing to make a full committment to your growth.

What’s Inside

This is a high touch 12 months of deep energetics, healing, and embodiment for change makers ready to dive into your dreams. Our playground is virtual.

  • LIVE Monthly Group Call with Shanila

  • LIVE 1:1 Monthly Mentorship call with integration support mentors

  • Introduction to Breathwork (FLOW Breathwork Level 1 Certification)

  • Deepening the Practice (FLOW Breathwork Level 2 Certification)

  • Introduction to Sound Healing Certification

  • Embodiment Coach Training (Play Method Certification)

  • Monthly Themed Playbooks

  • Monthly Themed Recorded Workshops

  • Guest workshops from baddies, healers, and mystix.

  • Access to LIVE and recorded Flow Breathwork Sessions

  • Access to FLOW Breathwork classes

  • Access to recorded meditations

  • Bonus Masterclasses

  • Sound Healing + Breathwork

  • Intuitive Energy Healing Training

  • Grounding Techniques

  • Channelling Techniques

  • Somatic Healing

  • LIVE and recorded Flow Breathwork Sessions

  • Guest workshops from baddies, healers, and mystix.

  • Intuition Development

  • Conscious Facilitator Development with the 7 phases of the Healing Artist

  • Feminine and Masculine lens of healing

  • Working with the Seasons

  • Working with the Moon

  • Working with the Elements

  • Creating an aligned healing offer

  • High level decompression and integration

  • Support in creating your healing offers

  • Access to recorded meditations

  • Private Community Inside our Network (not on FB)

VALUE: I dunno, a million dollars?

How we FLOW inside The Healing Arts Practitioner Training and Immersion

The seven Phases of The Healing Arts Practitioner


3 months of deep inner healing

  • Awaken the inner healer

  • Commit to self-healing and discovery

  • Grounding 101

  • Intuition 101

  • Intuitive Energy Healing for self

  • Attend classes with guest healers


2 months of discovering the crafts

  • Flow Breathwork Facilitator Level 1 Training

  • Sound Healer Training

  • Working with the seasons, elements, and moon

  • Feminine and Masculine energies of healing


3 months of letting it settle

  • Practice, rest, integrate, discover

  • Attend classes with guest healers


Practice, rest, integrate, discover, play, enjoy

  • Building upon the foundation you laid for yourself and

  • Revisiting stages 1-4 to solidify your learnings

  • Reflecting from the integration stage what's needed for you next : deeper healing, deeper integration, play, building...


  • Flow Breathwork Facilitator Level 2 Training

  • Making conscious decisions on what you'd like to expand your mastery upon

  • Narrowing in on your tools and intentions

  • Quantum Leaps!


3 months of activating your unique expression

  • Embodiment Coach Training

  • Define your crafts as a Healing Arts Practitioner


  • Practice the Healing Arts

  • Define your practice and your offers

All of this is set up to guide healers like you to build up your foundations as an embodied healer. Many guest witches, healers, mystics, and goddesses will co-teach in our monthly calls to support you in embodiment, confidence, growth strategies, and energetics. This is a soul-aligned, somatic healing, embodiment focused, and integrative approach to healers, healing, and leadership - giving you full permission to show up as the gift that you are.

This group is highly curated for those, without a shadow of a doubt in your mind, know you are ready to step into your soul’s calling. Is this you?

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About FLOW Breathwork Facilitator Training

We’ll train in a unique style of breathwork I’ve adapted and created, FLOW Breathwork. It is a blend of ancient breathwork, movement, energy healing, the elements, and dance. It’s truly the most potent form of somatic healing that lets you tap into both the masculine and feminine energies in the body.

Breathwork is an ancient practice utilized by many indigenous cultures and some form of breathwork has existed in every corner of the world for centuries. As many have adapted and built upon breathwork practices, we’ve lost much of the cultural and indigenous roots from which the practices derive. You may hear of breathwork under many trademarked names that refer to this ancient practice.

This training heavily focuses on acknowledging and honoring the roots of the practice, learning about the physical science behind breathwork, touches upon the woo and spiritual aspects, provides a supportive container for deep healing, and prepares you to become a conscious, mindful, breathwork facilitator. This training is catered to those looking to learn applied breathwork techniques for practical and everyday use.

This training is highly decolonized and empowers you to both become a facilitator within your community, and receive deep healing for yourself on your personal growth journey.

Many of our previous breathwork and sound healing students are therapists, nurses, healers, coaches, community wellness advocates, reiki practitioners, deeply involved in BIPOC communities, and more.

There are 100 practical hours required to receive your certification in breathwork. 50 hours of facilitation, and 50 hours of attendance in other practitioners’ containers are required. After training, you’ll be able to begin facilitating FLOW Breathwork in your communities.


You as a Flow Breathwork Facilitator

  • You are interested in integrative somatic wellness (emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing)

  • You are committed to learn and grow as an individual as both a participant and facilitator of breathwork

  • You are on your self/healing journey and would like to heal deeply with a collective

  • You want to incorporate breathwork techniques in your current practice or teachings

  • You’re ready to build the foundations of your practice rooted in a supportive and inclusive community

  • You love both the science and the woo of healing modalities

  • You are committed to develop yourself as a conscious facilitator

  • You are interested in the cultural roots of breathwork

  • You’d like to bring applied breathwork techniques that help reduce anxiousness and stress

  • You’d like to bring applied breathwork techniques to schools, hospitals, rehabs, hospice, youth, shelters, retreats, yoga studios, spas, therapy, and other avenues where breathwork is impactful

  • You’d like to facilitate breathwork sessions for others

    What’s Inside

    Flow Breathwork Method
    History of Breathwork around the World
    Science of Breathwork
    Physiology of Emotions
    Conscious Facilitation
    Grounding 101
    Intuitive Energy Healing
    Techniques and Styles of Breathwork
    Chakras and Energy Centers
    Mantras and Grounding Techniques
    Overview of Visual Meditation Techniques
    5 Elements
    Breathwork and the Senses
    Crafting your own breathwork journey
    Developing your breathwork style
    Building confidence as a facilitator
    Breathwork scripts
    Ample time to practice
    Music and Playlists
    Journal Prompts
    Technical Settings for Virtual Sessions
    Private Facebook Community of Facilitators + Coaching Inside
    Monthly Group Support Calls (typically last Tuesdays of the Month 1pm-2pm CT)

Introduction to sound healing

The science behind sound healing (topics include the neuroacoustics of sound, energy center relevant research, brain waves, flow states, water studies, the nervous system)

Using frequencies (topics include chakra healing, binaural beats)

Anatomy of a sound bath (topics include entrainment and creating your own sound baths)

Introduction to crystal bowls

Technical settings for virtual sound baths

Packing up your instruments

*For this online workshop, it’s not required to own any instruments

You can see the curriculum here

You as a sound healer:

  • You are interested in integrative wellness (emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing)

  • You are interested to learn the science behind sound

  • You are a self-taught sound healer and want to strengthen and deepen your foundational knowledge

  • You are on your self/healing journey and would like to heal deeply with a collective

  • You want to incorporate sound healing techniques in your current practice or teachings (great for yoga teachers, therapists, massage therapists, breathwork facilitators, meditation teachers, energy healers, and more)

  • You love the science and the woo of healing modalities

  • You are developing yourself as a conscious facilitator

  • You’d like to know more about the instruments and what they actually do

  • You’d like to be able to facilitate virtual sound baths and learn the technical components

  • You’d like to lead sound baths for others

We cover the whole spectrum from the science of sound vibrations and frequencies all the way to the WOO. We’ll take an in-depth journey to develop self grounding and balancing tools, align our energy centers, deepen our intuition, breathe, and retune our bodies throughout the course. This foundational level course focuses heavily on mixing the science and the woo together in a beautiful combination to empower you to start using sound right away. Come with an open heart.

You’ll train in my Human First Embodiment Coach techniques - using my PLAY Method. We’ll work together to develop your own style of coaching, mentoring, and embodying yourself as a practitioner. You’ll receive coursework inside our digital platform that will prepare you to practice and begin taking on clients as an embodiment coach. We’ll learn the foundations of a coaching session, client intake, and development of your own client journey.

We’ll meet each other, do deep healing sessions, integrate, and emerge anew.

Travel and accommodations are not included in registration.

VALUE: a lot!


What's happening inside the playground?

A highvibe group of healers, visionaries, and mystics are gathering each month on Thursday nights (7pm CT - 9pm CT typically) to do deep inner work, train in breathwork facilitation, sound healing, embodiment coaching, and receive mentorship over the course of 12 months.

This a longer and integrated container for healers like you who are beginning to learn your gifts, build confidence, build your voice, be in community of mystics and visionaries, and train in your modalities (breathwork, sound healing, embodiment coaching).

 This immersive container is set up to be a healing, empowerment, embodiment, and support chamber for all the sunbeams ready to shine!

 We also have secret guest teachers who will come and hold private workshops for us on Quantum Healing, Energy Healing, Monetizing your Message, and much more.

What are the certifications inside PLAY?

Breathwork Facilitator Training Level 1

Breathwork Facilitator Training Level 2

Introduction to Sound Healing

Embodiment Coaching (non-certification)

What are the certification requirements?

*Breathwork Facilitator Level 1 requires 25 hours of facilitating breathwork, and 25 hours of attending breathwork sessions


*Breathwork Facilitator Level 2 requires 25 hours of facilitating breathwork, and 25 hours of attending breathwork sessions


*Introduction to Sound Healing requires Live attendance


*Embodiment Coach requires 8 hours coaching and 8 hours being coaches


You'll be paired together and have support along your journey in completing all your practice hours.


What if I can't make it LIVE?

 Plan to attend the calls live because honestly that’s when you’ll get the most out of being in this container. Connect with each other, see each other, share, and the experience is just that much better. Being immersed in the high vibe container is where you’ll do our best work. If every now and then you aren't able to make it, no worries. Our regular calls will be recorded and posted on our group’s platform available 2-3 days after our calls.

Breathwork training, and sound healer training dates are required attendance. Save these dates on your calendar ta-day so that there are no conflicts. There are practical practice hours within those training dates that cannot be made up from watching the recording. There will be no exceptions to the required dates. 

For other dates, I highly suggest making the most of your investment coming on LIVE to the calls.

Is there in-person meetings?

We have two in-person retreats planned that are not required to attend and are fully optional. Travel and accommodations for the retreats are not included in the registration for the immersion. The rest of the immersion takes place inside the virtual playground. We’re also keeping an eye out for safety and wellbeing for travel.


I wanted to give you a few updates on our immersion that involves in-person (optional) gatherings. 

What’s new is that my level 2 breathwork students who aren’t in the immersion will be gathering Sept 15-18 in Austin TX for their Breathwork Level 2 training and you are invited to come in person as well. 

As part of the immersion, this is no additional cost to you, outside of your own room, board, and travel arrangements.

You can come to this in addition to our virtual dates already set for Sept 24-25. It’s an additional option I’m able to offer you.

I’ll also be offering in-person introduction to sound Sept 14 in Austin, TX if you want to come a day ahead and practice with instruments. 

What can I do after our 12 months together?

 Well, for one, you'll be feeling amazing, healing, shining, glowing, connected to a high vibe community, and radiating boo! You’ll have clarity of yourself as a healing arts practitioner, create aligned offers, and take your practice to the next level.

You'll also be able to:

* Facilitate FLOW Breathwork upon completion of your breathwork practice hours

* Facilitate Sound Baths and Sound Healing

* Take on clients as an Embodiment Coach

What if I already took Breathwork Facilitator Training or Introduction to Sound Healing, can I still come?

 Of course you are welcomed to join the 12 month immersion if you are feeling called to go deeper into your own healing, learn breathwork (level 1 and 2), sound healing, embodiment coaching, and receive mentorship. This is a longer, deeper, and more immersive experience for healers looking to completely immerse than simply learning the technicalities of breathwork or sound healing. This is a much different container than what we do in our shorter trainings.


Is this business coaching? 

In short, no. You will learn a lot about yourself that's going to 100% propel you in creating a business if that's what you would like to do. We will talk about aligning yourself with your healing offers but this is not a formal business mentorship container. This particular immersion is for healers to learn their healing modalities (breathwork, sound healing, embodiment coaching), heal, practice, and embody your gifts. We will have plenty of business related conversations, create your offers, and gain clarity on your practice in the healing arts.

Is this for me?

I'll be real with you upfront, this is a highly curated group of mystics, visionaries, and healers who are ready to be uncomfortable, spiritually elevate, embody true energetics, and support one another with real excitement. If you're done taking it all too seriously, let's PLAY.

You are ready to BE SEEN. You are ready to BE HEARD. You are ready to FEEL YA SELF. 

You're done being scared and hiding behind your gifts. You know the strength in community and momentum of people who really see you and understand you. You GET how important and needed your perspective and your healing is to our whole collective. You are so ready to feel amazing and see all your community rise with you.

This immersion won't be the right fit if

  • Consistent time commitment feels like a stretch right now

  • You're investing in a lot of other programs at the same time and are spread thin energetically, emotionally, mentally, financially, or spiritually

  • You always start things you don’t finish

  • You don’t really have an intention to do the work

  • You want business mentorship

  • You’re looking for a magic solution or cure

  • You aren’t self-driven to put in the effort with your community

  • You're not interested to be vulnerable and open up with a community

  • You're looking for the NEXT sign

What’s the investment?

The Healing Arts Practitioner Training Immersion is an investment of $12,222 with a $2222 non-refundable deposit to hold your spot. There’s a monthly payment plan for the duration for 8 months or 12 months available.

When does registration open?

Hang tight

When is the next immersion?

Maybe next year. Maybe never. You can plan a pretty picnic but you can’t predict the weather. Part of being aligned with your offers is knowing when you are no longer aligned to offer it, and I practice what I preach. I suggest listening to your own gut and following that feeling whether this is calling to you :).


So about me. I’m Shanila.

I’m a ball of mischief 😈, I’m the creatrix of Flow Breathwork Facilitator Training, Author of Breathe, Multi-award winning digital entrepreneur, a 4th generation sound healer, women’s researcher, national speaker, and host of a Top 6 podcast, The Playground. I founded AlwaysPlay Studios and The Integrative Healing Academy to make healing fun and less serious, where I train sound healers, breathwork facilitators, and mentor aspiring healers to be their fucking selves. Back in the day, I founded an award-winning tech agency and at some point became one of the first to receive grant funding to bring holistic healing modalities to clinical populations all over Los Angeles. I don’t really remember. As a former scientist, most of my life’s work leans on blending the science and the woo, while making things a whole lot less serious. Learn more here.


Guest Witches, Healers, and Mystics

These are teachers who have done the work and continue to DO the work. They live, breathe, and embody what it is that they preach. They exude their essence from every single pore of their body. Do you feel it? These teachers are ready to pour into you from their realm of expertise: Quantum Hypnosis Healing Session, Reiki Energy Healing, Light Language, Moon Cycles, Manifestation + Worthiness, Confidence + Empowerment, and a fuck ton more.

So what do you say?
The Healer's Journey is meant to be fun.
Let's get it.

I’ll see you in there.


Due to the nature of this immersion, registration is non-transferrable and non-refundable. Please meditate deeply on your intentions of joining this unique Healing Arts Practitioner Training Immersion + Mastermind and how you'd like to expand within this community.

*more questions: email hello@alwaysplay.org