The Alchemist
Theme: Duality
You are someone who is amazing at mixing the science and the mysticism of your practices. You have the gift of transformation through a seemingly magical process because you truly embody blending the physical, metaphysical, and spiritual worlds in a seamless way. Some days you’re busy reading books; other days you’re creating moon water and concoctions out of herbs, or doing experiments with electromagnetic energy. Your interests are so varied but there’s a beautiful madness to it. You’re a healer that has the ability to see the bigger picture and understand that the human experience is a mix of the explainable and the unexplainable. That’s what excites you.
You are someone who has taken your experiences and hardships, and transformed them to work in favor of you. You are deeply curious and in tune with the energies around you and have the gift of reshaping these energies into magic, especially when you embrace your duality. Because of your ability to exist so flawlessly between worlds, you know how to bridge information between those who require linear, logical, thought processes, and the woooooo world. It’s an incredibly powerful skill you have because it allows understanding, acceptance, and connection amongst people. You frequently mutate situations, energy, and attitudes, of both yourself, and others, into powerful grounded healing. You're both great at giving intimate attention as well as curating a small group.
Tag me @shanila.sattar so I can see!
Energy Gates + Strengths
Your third eye, throat, and sacral chakras are your most active energy centers. The third eye is the energy center located in between your two physical eyes, where you are connected to the greater vision and the bigger picture beyond our human experience. It really allows you to understand how connected our worlds are; the spiritual, scientific, physical, mental, emotional, and metaphysical worlds are not necessarily different places - they are all a part of the same story. You see that and truly understand it.
Your active throat chakra, the energy center located in the center of your throat is what allows you to be an incredible advocate, for both yourself and others. When this energy center is aligned for you, you are able to articulate knowledge beyond belief. It’s another powerful skill you have because the way you communicate, whether it's written or spoken, demonstrates deep knowledge and understanding of your crafts. This helps so many people connect the dots about complicated science-y concepts, and out there woo concepts. You know to bring the conversation to the center.
Your aligned sacral chakra, located by your belly button is your seat of intuition. It’s here you know that you’re being guided on your path from an INNER knowing, and you’re learning to trust that.
You may have struggled in the past with feeling overwhelmed with what to do with understanding so many different energies and may have found yourself accidentally doing magic! You might be in the middle of figuring out how all these worlds collide so you can start to truly harness your powers and embody yourself fully. The more you have studied, the more you have built up an important skill - patience. You know much of what you work with doesn’t always give an immediate result. You might have to wait for the results, and you’re okay with it because you understand all the energies in play.
Something an Alchemist should watch out for is existing too much in one side of that duality. When you get caught up and are going down the rabbit hole of your interests, sometimes there’s a psychological hurdle for you to balance the logical and illogical mind. You often know you are doing this, but a part of you feel like you can’t help it! You can get caught up looking for evidence for things humans haven’t figured out how to measure, or you can get caught up in expressing ideas that feel ungrounded. It will be important for you to do grounding exercises that balance both your root and third eye chakras often.
The key for you is to find balance. Your duality is POTENT, and when you tap into THAT, game over! You’re in your full embodied self.
*All of us are a blend of all archetypes, but we embody one way more in seasons*. Revisit this quiz in a few months!
The Alchemist can consider training in:
Flow Breathwork Facilitator (Become a certified breathwork facilitator)
Sound Healing (Digital Course + Live Virtual Trainings to become a certified sound healer)
Healing Arts Practitioner (Breathwork, Sound Healing, Embodiment Coaching)
Somatic Healing (Movement, Breath, Energy Sciences)
Chakra Balancing
Guided Meditation
Embodiment Coach
Martial Arts
Nutrition (Save up to $2000 on tuition and become a certified health coach)