The Transformer

Theme: Transformation

You are the master at seeing the bigger picture. You know exactly how to get from point A to B. You are led strongly by your intuition and naturally see the solutions before the problem. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, there’s a path. The no BS, confident, organized, and studied person you are, values continuous learning because it’s part of how you have developed your confidence - from your knowledge. You are constantly working on yourself - studying, improving, adapting, and because of this, others trust you to lead them and come to you for guidance. It’s important for you to continuously self-improve because it allows you to thrive even more in your work. You know this, and take pride in it.

Your natural leadership often shows up in your day to day and you excel in teaching others. You deliver results because you have transformed a few times in your life, too; that is a huge part of your superpower. Your organization really represents your thought process - linear and logical. The way that you can come up with a game plan, figure out how to make it happen, and get it done, is beyond most people around you. You love to be able to SEE the change you’re a part of and should be proud of it. You can see the best in people despite what they believe about themselves. Coaches, therapists, physical trainers are a few examples of high-level Transformers. 

Tag me @shanila.sattar so I can see!

Energy Gates + Strengths

The solar plexus is your is your main energy source. This is located right below the rib cage and is the energy center responsible for self-worth, confidence, self-esteem, and stepping into your purpose. When you are aligned in this chakra, it is game-over. You are unstoppable and are guided from a place of pure empowerment. You know exactly your worth, how valuable you are, and you are truly in your power. That is why it’s so easy for you to help others transform, whether in a group or a private setting. You are confident in your skills and you’ve worked hard to believe in yourself.


Something a Transformer should watch out for is having an imbalanced solar plexus chakra, where you can be somewhat ego driven. Your strengths and weaknesses are actually in the same place. You might feel like you know everything, and that makes you lack patience with others. It also makes you immovable in thoughts, ideas, and opinions. This is something to keep your eye on because, as much as you want to be confident, knowing the difference between confidence and ego will be important for you going forward. 

A misaligned solar plexus chakra also can show up as your old wounds and old insecurities. These are the parts of you that didn’t believe in yourself, thought you weren’t good enough, you didn’t know enough, you weren’t enough. In this place, you might energetically forget how much and how you have made incredible transformations MANY times in your life. You might get caught up in self-victimizing stories that aren’t in the full embodiment of you. Your own empowerment and insecurities are crucial for you to manage so you don’t second guess your ability. 

*All of us are a blend of all archetypes, but we embody one way more in seasons*. Revisit this quiz in a few months!