Quite honestly, I’m not feeling like making a webpage with bells and whistles. I’m calling in aligned souls who are called to work with me this season in energetic alignment. I’m calling in the girlies who are in their season of ALCHEMY!

I’m inviting you to 6 weeks of self-love mentorship inside LOVED, my brand new offering for mystics and healers on their path to self discovery.

This 6 weeks is structured as magical self-exploration, while we work together in community calls to breakthrough limiting beliefs, build trust and intuition, and fall in love with ourselves again. 

As a mentor, I believe you are your own greatest healer. The love and care you generate from within translates your every project, idea, and endeavor you have. Without love, it’s force. 

As you re-ignite this love for yourself, you’ll start sparking magic in every direction.

My journey through self-love is truly why I believe I can accomplish so many random things. It’s not “confidence”, it’s deep care for myself that allows me to pursue (or not pursue). It’s honesty and respect towards myself (and my flaws), that keeps me grounded and consistent. It’s how I’ve been able to do “top rated” things since my early 20s. 

I’ve also chased what’s not in alignment for me, and thankfully quick rerouted. I’ve done things to soothe my ego and I’ve definitely mistrusted my higher self.

But overtime, it’s clear. I love myself the most. 

I love myself enough to be consistent. 

I love myself enough to rest.

I love myself enough to not bully myself for things I didn’t or don’t know.

I love myself enough to forgive.

I love myself enough to be enough for me.

You heard?

Being in a place where you don’t trust yourself or feel overwhelmed to take actions towards your goals really sucks.

Knowing that you’re a high-achiever but you’re kinda focused on achieving things you don’t care about…sucks.

Getting trapped in imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and caring too much about what others think…sucks.

So realistically, what can we accomplish in 6 weeks?

Can’t promise you the world here but 6 weeks gives us the perfect amount of time to deep dive into our core beliefs and rework how these beliefs show up in our lives.

Each week we’ll work with a self-love principle filled with breathwork, embodiment practices, and 6 interactive calls, we're going deep into the 6 principles of self-love as this newer you emerges:

  • Awareness

  • Acceptance

  • Beliefs

  • Boundaries

  • Compassion

  • Commitment

ABC’s anyone?

By the end, you’ll walk away with a greater connection to self, know how to align your thoughts and actions to your dreams, and step into an energetic upgrade.

I hope to see you inside LOVED when it opens again!