Ms. Not the Right Time Perfectionist
Theme: Coming up with the best (worst) excuses to taking actual actions towards your desires because you think you’ll fail and low-key you’re afraid of your own success.
Ms. Not the Right Time Perfectionist, the only person you’re really fooling at the end of the day is…you.
You don’t even believe your own stories when you tell them! But you’ve repeated them over and over again so many times you can’t really tell the difference between what’s true and what’s made up.
Your whole thing is that you’re “waiting for the perfect time”, and each time, you have some creative reason for why now is not the right time. If people had $5 for every time you came up with a creative story about why now is not the first time... Let me guess, Mercury is in gatrorade? Or new year is a better time to start? Or today is an odd number day, and you want to start on an even number day, but that's not a Monday so you want to wait until Monday falls on an even number but not too close to the new moon because...
Wow. Who else has a headache? Even you!
Your type of perfectionism really translates to procrastination.
You're a great procrastinator because you really believe some of these stories that you tell yourself. And even if there is SOME truth to timing being divine, most of your stories are truly full of shit. It's easier for you to escape taking responsibility for that you actually want, because a part of you doesn't know how to take action towards those things. So instead, you blame timing and a whole bunch of other stuff rather than taking responsibility.
You know deep inside that most things don’t really have to do with timing, but rather you truly feel like you will fail if you bothered trying. Like what if you gave it your all and it just wasn’t enough? What did you tried your hardest and it doesn’t work out?
Yeah okay. But what if it does?
Ms. Not the Right Time Perfectionist, you aren’t willing to face your potential success. You fear your own power and skills. Yes, it’ll take time and effort to try, but if you never try, that level of procrastination will continue to hurt your heart. You’re worthy of taking a chance on yourself.
Your Drive: Your main driver self-doubt
Inner Voice: I'm not good enough
To Heal: Build a stronger relationship with your self and resiliency to going outside of your comfort zone.
Ready to continue healing through perfectionism?
Join us inside IM’PERFECT
If you’re imperfect, we’re calling you in for 6 weeks of self-exploration for perfectionists and people-pleasers to heal, feel, and be real.
This is for the women struggle to feel good enough, are burnt out, and tend to fall into workaholism time and time again. The 6 weeks is curated for community, connection, and healing from a deep physiological level.
The waitlist is now open. All details (dates and enrollment) will be sent to the waitlist very soon. :)
Let’s be perfectly imperfect together.
About me
Shanila Sattar is the founder of Flow Breathwork Facilitator Training, best-selling author of Breathe, a 4th generation sound healer, women’s researcher (perfectionism, self-objectification, grit, and resilience), national speaker, and host of a Top 6 podcast, The Playground. She is the creator of AlwaysPlay Studios and The Healing Arts Academy, where she trains sound healers, breathwork facilitators, and mentors aspiring healers in the healing arts!