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Art Flow + Sound Bath
4:30 PM16:30

Art Flow + Sound Bath


Sound Bath + Meditative Art - A mindful art creation workshop with live sound healing

Come enjoy a full sensory collaboration between the restorative sound bath of AlwaysPlay and the meditation art workshop of HeARTbreak Studios. You'll create a masterpiece as you move towards mastering peace! Artwork creation and sound will be our access points to tapping into the present moment, but this workshop is process (not product) focused, and does not require any artistic “skills”. So come take a break from the chatters of the thinking mind through enjoying breathwork, guided meditations, blind drawing, and acrylic painting.

This session is therapeutically designed to relax all of the senses through use of essential oils, color therapy glasses, and an unforgettable sound bath! In this way, we will move away from the thinking mind, as we root down in “coming to our senses”. Join us to be reminded of the feel good nature embedded in creating in the flow.

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Over-thinker's Breathwork Circle - FREE
4:30 PM16:30

Over-thinker's Breathwork Circle - FREE

Back by popular request! We can talk about doing more of these if there is enough interest.

Do you have a busy mind and and could use a powerful method to tap into calm and clarity?

This breathwork is a guided 3-part breath (80% of the breath into your belly, 20% into the chest, and out through the mouth) that helps us activate our nervous system and remove subconscious blocks. Anything that's super busy in our heads has the opportunity to reconfigure and bring immense clarity. There's also going to be some screaming.

Leave behind stress, uncertainty, and over-thinking, and step into peace.

Bring a yoga mat or something to lay on and an extra blanket for warmth.

Suggested donation for this workshop is $15 and the minimum age to participate is 15.

Arrive early to get cozy. Doors close at 7pm sharp. Please update RSVP if you can't make it. The space has capacity limits.

This workshop is facilitated by Shanila, a breathwork and sound bath teacher in Los Angeles. She uses this style of breath to transform anxiety, stress, and self-worth. Lately, she's been sharing her work in several health conferences in the U.S.

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Breathwork and Sound Bath with Shanila
6:00 PM18:00

Breathwork and Sound Bath with Shanila

Join Shanila Saturday April 13th for a powerful breath work and sound bath journey to release old stories that keep you stuck and to transmute stagnant energy within your body to help you step into your power.

This breathwork is a guided 3-part breath (80% of the breath into your belly, 20% into the chest, and out through the mouth) that helps us activate our nervous system and remove subconscious blocks. What’s holding you back and keeping you stuck in your life? Once you’re cracked open, you’ll be taken away with beautiful crystal singing bowls and other healing instruments. Benefits include: realigning the mind, body spirit, improved sleep, lessened stress, deepened self-love and connection, joy, and relaxation.

Saturday April 13th @ 4-5:30PM
Energy Exchange:
$20 Advanced
$25 Day of Event
Sign Up Online (event link below)

Bring: a yoga mat, blanket, pillow, crystals, water, and anything else to create a comfortable laying down experience.

Shanila is a breathwork and sound bath facilitator based in Los Angeles using the power of breath and sound vibrations and frequencies to revitalize the mind, body, and spirit. She uses carefully chosen instruments, including ancient modalities such as Crystal Quartz singing bowls, gongs, Tibetan bowls, chimes, sounds of natures, and planetary attunements that help the mind get into deep meditative states. She loves the sounds in nature and to no one’s surprise, loves nature naps! Find her on

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State of Flow in Entrepreneurship
2:00 PM14:00

State of Flow in Entrepreneurship

4/13 I’m speaking on an amazing private panel on entrepreneurship. I’m sharing about being in the flow and unlocking creative blocks that can physically live in our bodies, by us using the power of sound. I’m also sharing about how I co-launched a multi-award winning web agency almost 10 years ago. Stay tuned! This is going to be fun!  

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Sound Bath Meditation
9:30 PM21:30

Sound Bath Meditation

Join Shanila on a sound bath meditation with 432 hz crystal singing bowls, planetary gongs, Tibetan bowls, and other healing instruments to help you destress, rejuvenate, relax, and deeply meditate. The sounds and vibrations used in this journey help activate the nervous system, allowing you to reduce stress, improve sleep, improve focus, and unblock energy. Even after the sounds have stopped playing, the vibrations will stay within your body and give you its benefits.

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